Call For Papers 2022

Call for Symposia | Interdisciplinary perspectives on Beauty and Change” Conference

BIP Research Group, University of Turin, Italy and Fondazione Amendola
Location: Fondazione Giorgio Amendola (Turin, Italy)
17-19 October (2022)
Deadline: 10 August (2022)
Mail to:

Symposia (1 hour each) will be composed of 3-4 talks of 10-15 minutes, plus 10-15 minutes of final discussion. They should include at least three different speakers, coming from at least two different institutions.

Abstracts for symposia (no more than 500 words) should briefly present the topic of the symposium and include a short description of each talk (with the indication of each presenting author).

Please, in the abstract, include the proposed title for the symposium, authors’ affiliations, and the preferred congress session, among: Aesthetic and Learning (17th October), Beauty and Interpersonal Resonance (18th October), Aesthetics and Therapy (19th October).

Call for Abstracts (oral presentations and posters) | Interdisciplinary perspectives on Beauty and Change” Conference

BIP Research Group, University of Turin, Italy and Fondazione Amendola
Location: Fondazione Giorgio Amendola (Turin, Italy)
17-19 October (2022)
Deadline: 20 August (2022)
Mail to:

Abstracts (no more than 300 words) should present original research and include the proposed title for the contribution, authors’ affiliations (specifically indicating the presenting author), preferred presentation type (Oral presentations: 15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion; or poster), and the preferred congress session, among: Aesthetic and Learning (17th October), Beauty and Interpersonal Resonance (18th October), Aesthetics and Therapy (19th October).