General Information 2022
BraIn Plasticity and behavior changes (BIP) research group (Department of Psychology – University of Turin, Italy) and Fondazione Giorgio Amendola (Turin, Italy) present:
the international congress “Interdisciplinary perspectives on Beauty and Change”, to be held in Turin (Italy), 17-19 October 2022.
The Congress will be mainly held in presence, but it will allow also online participation.
It will include three different sessions, exploring different topics related to beauty and change.
The first session (17th October) will be focused on Aesthetic and Learning (with a special focus on neuroaesthetic perspectives), the second session (18th October) will deal with Interpersonal Resonance, and the last session (19th October) will be dedicated to clinical applications (Aesthetics and Therapy).
Possible accommodations in Turin:
Hotel Victoria (four stars) –
Single room: 115 euros per night
Double room: 185 euros per night
From hotel Victoria to the conference:
Piazzale Valdo Fusi, bus number 8 toward San Mauro. Get off at Pacini bus stop.
Conference centre is 3-minute walk away: Via Tollegno, 52

Hotel Ponte Sassi (three stars) –
Single room: 52,8 euros per night
Double room: 75,6 euros per night
From hotel Ponte Sassi to the conference: Piazza Pasini Bus 68 to Stabilimento Tortona and then bus 75 to Leoncavallo bus stop. Conference centre is 3-minute walk away: Via Tollegno 52

Con il patrocinio di:

Il convegno è stato realizzato grazie al contributo concesso dalla
Direzione generale Educazione, ricerca e istituti culturali del Ministero della cultura

Fondazione Giorgio Amendola
Via Tollegno, 52
10154 – Torino